Colonneh Lodge Leadership

Colonneh Lodge is run by the lodge chief, along with five lodge vice chiefs and four area chiefs. The elected youth officers are responsible for organizing and leading the various programs and activities of the lodge. The lodge vice chiefs are responsible for administration, chapter operations, inductions, program, and service sectors. The lodge adviser is a BSA adult volunteer appointed by the Scout executive, and the lodge staff adviser is a council-appointed professional.

Adult advisers are automatically copied when youth are emailed.

Colonneh Lodge Officer Responsibilities

Alex P. Lodge Chief
Trevon S. Lodge Vice Chief of Program (lodge activities and training)
Jessica B. Lodge Vice Chief of Service (service projects)
Dustin M. Lodge Vice Chief of Inductions (Ordeals, Brotherhood, ceremonies)
Ben K. Lodge Vice Chief of Chapter Operations (elections, camp promotions)
Gen B. Lodge Vice Chief of Administration (lodge dues, event registration, communications)
Wren H. North Area Chief
Bridget L. East Area Chief
Benjamin B. South Area Chief
Reagan C. West Area Chief
John Fortier Lodge Adviser
Mike Provencher Assistant Lodge Adviser of Lodge Operations
Chris Green Assistant Lodge Adviser of Camping Operations
James Kennedy Assistant Lodge Adviser of Business Operations
Matt Bordelon Assistant Lodge Adviser of Chapter Operations
Lee McAdory & Amy Taylor Associate Lodge Advisers of Program
Rick Dodgen & Dora Moreland Associate Lodge Advisers of Service
Tom Heinzler & Melinda Silva Associate Lodge Advisers of Inductions
Ted Butler & Sharon McAdory Associate Lodge Advisers of Administration
Hal DeLeon & Suzy Weaver North Area Advisers
Mike Woods & Rebeca Cortes South Area Advisers
Pete Sprunger & Debbie Lamison East Area Advisers
Danny Reeves & Cassie Johnson West Area Advisers
Ted Hunn Professional Staff Adviser
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Lodge Officer Responsibilities  

Lodge Chief

  • Serves as the principal officer of the lodge and is therefore responsible for the lodge program.
  • Presides at all lodge meetings, executive committee meetings, advisory committee meetings, and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.
  • Consults the professional staff adviser and lodge adviser on any program, activity or meeting item.
  • Calls special meetings of the lodge as a whole or the executive committee with the approval of the supreme chief of the fire.
  • Removes inefficient or otherwise inappropriate appointed officers or committee chairman with the approval of the advisory committee.
  • Acts as the key youth communicator between the lodge and the chapter chiefs.
  • Appoints the following committees:
    • Vigil Honor nominating committee, with the approval of the professional staff adviser and lodge adviser.
    • Lodge recognitions committee, with the approval of the advisory committee. This committee will be responsible for the Chapter of the Year Award, and any and all other recognitions.
    • Election committee, which shall count the ballots at the annual lodge officer’s election.
    • Special committees needed from time to time, with the approval of the advisory committee.

Lodge Vice Chief of Administration

  • Responsible for the accomplishments of all the duties assigned to the lodge administration committees and for all lodge administration.
  • Records the minutes of all meetings and functions of the lodge and the executive and advisory communications.
  • Prepares such correspondence as is required by the lodge.
  • Sees that all persons paying lodge dues receive a membership card signed by him and that the proper data is recorded.
  • Sees that the Lodge mailing list is complete and up-to-date.
  • Keeps the chapters properly informed of their active membership and newly inducted members.
  • Assumes all duties assigned to him by the lodge chief.

Lodge Vice Chief of Inductions

  • Responsible for the accomplishments of all the duties assigned to the lodge induction committees and for all lodge Inductions.
  • Submits a report on the accomplishments of each of the induction committees to the executive committee at each of its meetings.
  • Acts as the key youth coordinator to ensure the smooth transition of the lodge induction process for Ordeals and Brotherhood.
  • Assumes all duties assigned to him by the lodge chief.

Lodge Vice Chief of Program

  • Responsible for the accomplishments of all the duties assigned to the lodge program committees and for all lodge events.
  • Submits a report on the accomplishments of each of the lodge committees to the executive committee at each of its meetings.
  • Organizes, with the aid of the associate lodge adviser, the Lodge Leadership Development training conference.
  • Assumes all duties assigned to him by the lodge chief.
  • Acts as the key youth coordinator for all lodge program activities.

Lodge Vice Chief of Service

  • Responsible for the accomplishments of all the duties assigned to the lodge service committees and for all lodge service projects.
  • Submits a report on the accomplishments of each of the service committees to the executive committee at each of its meetings.
  • Acts as the key youth coordinator for all lodge service.
  • Assumes all duties assigned to him by the lodge chief.

Lodge Vice Chief of Chapter Operations

  • Responsible for the accomplishments of all the duties assigned to the lodge chapter operations committees and for all chapter activities and events.
  • Submits a report on the accomplishments of each of the chapter operations committees to the executive committee at each of its meetings.
  • Distributes lodge information to area and chapter chiefs efficiently
  • Acts as the key youth coordinator for all chapter events held by the lodge.
  • Acts as the key youth coordinator to ensure the smooth transition of the lodge induction process for unit elections.
  • Assumes all duties assigned to him by the lodge chief.