Colonneh Lodge dues are renewed annually online. Dues are $25 per year. Back dues do not have to be paid, pay the current year to get current. For questions regarding dues status or pocket flap orders, contact
Pay dues online
The Order of the Arrow, Scouting's Honor Society, is made up of thousands of great Scouts and Scouters like yourself, who were elected to the Order by their fellow Scouts because they saw something in you, something special - those qualities of trust, leadership, friendship, brotherhood, and a desire to serve others - that set you apart.
You undertook the Ordeal to prove your dedication to the high ideals of service that is the hallmark of our Order. Perhaps you have achieved an even greater understanding of Wimachtendienk, Wingolauchsik, Witahemui by sealing your membership through the Brotherhood, or even now keep the flame of cheerful service alive through leadership in service. You are an Arrowman and we ask that you continue your support for the Order of the Arrow and its worthy goals which are more important now than ever.
An active member in Colonneh Lodge is someone who is a currently registered Scout or Scouter in the Sam Houston Area Council with current dues paid. With active membership, you are entitled to attend all functions of the lodge appropriate for your honor level. It also entitles you to wear your OA flap. Technically, if you don’t pay your dues, you are not a member, and the flap should be removed from your uniform.
Think back on your Ordeal. Remember the Obligation and Admonition. Remember ... "The ones, who chose you, need you."
